A Message from GEM's Co-founder

Dear GEM community,

When GEM first started in 2013, it was only a dream for myself and my co-founder Annaleshia Jamieson. As graduating high school students, we felt there was a need for safer spaces, especially for young women in our community to gather, dream and co-create a community program that resonates with us. We were so grateful for the support of a youth-in-action grant from the (former) United Way of Peel Region (now part of United Way Greater Toronto) and the volunteers who decided to join in our first year, which created a ripple effect in our confidence to keep GEM going.

10 years later, I am so proud of what GEM has become. An incredible group that has been able to organize many leadership, mentorship and empowerment opportunities for youth, especially young women of colour in the Peel Region with volunteer Directors, who are currently in postsecondary or are young professionals, and Coordinators, who are presently in high school, are passionate and driven to make a difference in our community.

I have many fond memories through these years. From being interviewed on the radio, to hosting annual career conferences, advancing issues of gender inequities through our initiatives and collaborating with many like-minded organizations in our local community, these experiences have taught me so much. Not only how to move operations online during the pandemic, how to be a better speaker or manage projects, but most importantly, how to be a better human because of GEMsies (see a few photos below of these memories).

(Photos from left-right, top-down: SELF Conference 2015; Battle Archery 2016; Portraits of Success 2019; Women in Motion 2020; Virtual Orientation 2021; Celebration Event 2022)

With that being said, being a part of GEM has been the greatest honour - to see so many accomplish incredible things while they were a part of our movement or following their journeys beyond GEM. Since 2022, I have been transitioning away from formal duties with the GEM team as my journey takes me outside of Peel. Now, I am thrilled to share a few updates and introductions ahead of this special year for the GEM team.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you and shoutout to Nazneen Khan for taking on the role of Executive Director over the last year and for re-joining GEM a few years ago! In case you didn’t know, Nazneen had joined GEM in its first year, left with her studies taking her to Ottawa, and joined back the moment she moved back to Peel! Your kindness, thoughtfulness and care have continued the momentum for GEM. Coming into this 2023-24 school year, I am excited to congratulate Ashvi Murali and Mahnoor Moin as they step into the roles of Co-Executive Directors. Ashvi has been a part of GEM since she was a grade 9 student and has taken on many roles across marketing, communications, and organizational development. Mahnoor has been with the team for several years notably with the start of GEM’s community collaborations and advocacy team! Their passion for gender equity, creativity and ability to bring people together are capable qualities that will be incredible as they step into this leadership opportunity. I am honoured to support them as a mentor.

(Photo: Mahnoor, Linda and Ashvi on Zoom)

Please join me in congratulating Ashvi and Mahnoor and stay tuned for more updates from the new GEM team including new team introductions and upcoming events and opportunities!

With gratitude and love,

(Photo: Headshot of Linda smiling)

Linda Bùi (she/her)

GEM Co-founder and Past Executive Director


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